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past Events 2023
50 North Road, Chester, NJ 07930
The Atrium Art Gallery of Chester will be hosting their next opening reception on Tuesday, March 19. Join us for a night of culture and fellowship to admire the work of local portrait artist Carol Duerwald and enjoy live music by the gifted Chester Baroque Orchestra. Duerwald’s work will be on view at the Atrium Art Gallery until May 31, 2024. The gallery is open Monday-Friday 9AM-4PM, except holidays. If you are interested in making a purchase, please contact the artist at (908) 879 5722.
@ Grove Street Park
66 Grove Street, Chester, NJ
Let’s honor our planet together this Earth Day @ Chester Day on Saturday, April 22. There will be volunteer opportunities to beautify the Chesters beginning at 9AM as well as an afternoon celebration with FREE refreshments a& activities beginning at 12PM at Grove Street Park Playground. Rain or shine. Sign up today! For updates follow us on Facebook@Chester Recreation.
What to expect at Chester Day…
- Community clean up throughout Chester Borough and Chester Township 9AM-12PM
- 9AM – Meet at Grove Street Park Playground for morning refreshments and job briefings
- 12PM – Return to Grove Street Park Playground to celebrate all of our hard work!
- 1PM – FREE yoga class with YogaSix (bring your yoga mat)
- FREE hot dogs from the Chester Meat Market cooked by the Chester Volunteer Fire Department
- FREE ice cream from Taylor’s Ice Cream Parlor
- FREE craft with The Art Diner
- LIVE music
- Enter to win a FREE giveaway from The Olive & The Stone, The Dainty Dandelion, Linda’s Biscotti, & STEAM Soapery
Where should I park?
- Grove Street Park – parking lot
- The Field House – parking lot
- Chester Volunteer Fire Department – parking lot

TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2023, 6-7PM
@ Chester Borough Town Hall
50 North Road, Chester, NJ
This exhibit will feature the work of local artist Jane Biron and will be on view until September 2023. The gallery is open Monday through Friday 8:30AM-4:00PM, except holidays.
You may have seen Jane Biron photographing sunsets on any of the Black River bridges. She is obsessed with color and reflections and capturing nature’s wild and subtle changes. She also paints. Biron has been painting fire from photos and memory and imagination for “at least twenty years.” Currently several of her bonfire paintings are on display in the Noyes Museum in Atlantic City. Join us Tuesday, May 16, 6-7PM to experience and discuss her magnificent and vibrant work. For more on Biron’s work check out her Facebook, Instagram, and ChesterRecreationNJ.org/art-gallery.

Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day and was established in 1868 to honor those who died in service of the United States of America. The day is one of solemn remembrance.
In keeping with the original intent of Memorial Day, each year the Chester American Legion Post 342 and the Borough of Chester hold a special commemoration for those who gave their all for our country. In addition to speakers and music, the names of Chester residents who died as active service members are read. A 21-gun salute ends the commemoration.
The event is held on Main Street in Chester Borough at the Larry Maysey Memorial. Sergeant Maysey, a member of the US Air Force 3d Air Rescue and Recovery Group, was a native son of Chester who was posthumously awarded the Air Force Cross for his actions in rescuing fellow servicemen in Vietnam.
For more information on the Larry Maysey Memorial please visit the Chester Historical Society. The commemoration begins at 11:00 am and all are welcome.
Thank you in advance to the Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Women’s Auxiliary, Chester Police, Chester Volunteer Fire Company, Chester First Aid Squad, local Boy & Girl Scout Troops of Chester, and the West Morris Community Band.
250 West Main Street, Chester, NJ
Did you know that there are many women memoirists in our Chester community? They have recently published their inspiring stories in a book called The Write Moment, a collection of stories and writing prompts to inspire. Join the Chester Library & Chester Recreation on Wednesday, June 14th for a book launch with our local authors. Come out to support your community and hear their stories read aloud. A limited number of books will be available for purchase.

Join us every Thursday from June 29 – July 27 at Municipal Field Gazebo for a FREE concert. Grab some takeout from one of our fabulous local restaurants, a comfy outdoor chair (or blanket), your music lovin’ friends and meet us at Municipal Field Gazebo for a rockin’ good time!
Sponsored by The Borough of Chester, Chester Township, Chester Municipal Alliance, & Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.
@ Municipal Field Gazebo, 155 Main Street, Chester, NJ
New Jersey’s hottest country band! This talented group of musicians will perform everything from the hottest New Country hits to beloved Country Classics!
@ Municipal Field Gazebo, 155 Main Street, Chester, NJ
Explosive rock & soul with big horns. Alternate Groove is the ultimate party band!
@ Municipal Field Gazebo, 155 Main Street, Chester, NJ
Come together as four lads from across the US rekindle the spirit of yesterday through the music of the world’s most popular band. Don’t miss this epic performance of PreFab4 – the ultimate Beatles tribute band!
@ Municipal Field Gazebo, 155 Main Street, Chester, NJ
Good music, good memories, good times! Get your monkey on with Monkey Shoulder for a classic rockin’ good time!
@ Municipal Field Gazebo, 155 Main Street, Chester, NJ
Total Soul performs with the flair of an exciting show! A band complete with front-line choreography, exciting singers, hot horns, and a groovin’ rhythm section!

@ Municipal Field Gazebo
155 Main Street, Chester, NJ
Join us for Chester’s annual community-police awareness-raising event with the Chester Police Department, Chester Volunteer Fire Company, Chester First Aid Squad, & The Borough of Chester. We welcome you and your family to join us for a night of fun as we continue to build a community partnership for a safer, better place to live! Festivities will include FREE refreshments, FREE activities, & FREE live demonstrations by our local emergency services! In addition, please join us for a FREE family friendly movie under the stars at sundown! Bring a cozy blanket, some snacks, and enjoy the show with friends. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates @ChesterRecreation.
TIME: 6-8PM festivities; 8-10PM outdoor movieCOST: FREE

Municipal Field Gazebo
155 Main Street, Chester, NJ 07930
Have you seen ELEMENTAL yet? Join us for a FREE outdoor showing under the stars! All ages welcome!! Bring your friends, a chair, and some movie snacks to Municipal Field Gazebo at 155 Main Street on SATURDAY, SEPT 30TH @ 7PM
Sign up for the Chester Recreation newsletter to receive emails about upcoming events and classes for children and adults – ChesterRecreationNJ.org

Borough Hall, 50 North Road, Chester, NJ 07930
Join us for an evening of visual arts by the talented Chester Quilting Group and live music by the gifted Chester Baroque Orchestra at the Atrium Art Gallery.
@ Municipal Field Gazebo
155 Main Street, Chester, NJ
Let the holiday festivities begin! It’s almost time for Chester’s Annual Tree Lighting at Municipal Field Gazebo! Join Chester Recreation & the Municipality of the Borough of Chester on the first Sunday of December for live music by the West Morris Mendham High School Choir & Band, free refreshments donated by local businesses, special appearances by Chester Volunteer Fire Company, Chester, NJ, Chester Police Department, Chester First Aid Squad, & the one and only Santa Claus!!! All are welcome!

festival of trees
Barn at Highlands Ridge Park, 100 North Road, Chester, NJ
Cost: Adults: $10, Seniors & Students: $5. Credit cards accepted.
The Merry and Bright Festival of Trees 20th Anniversary will be held on Saturday, December 2 – Saturday, December 9 at the Barn at Highlands Ridge Park, 100 North Road, Chester, NJ. The Festival of Trees is a community event sponsored by the Senior Resource Center (SRC). It features a spectacular display of decorated holiday trees of all sizes for viewing and for sale, all within a winter wonderland setting. Donations are also accepted towards the purchase of trees for local families. Visit Santa and enjoy entertainment throughout the week. Visit the gift table for holiday items at reasonable prices!! All proceeds benefit the SRC.
For hours and additional information, check www.srcnj.org/events or call Senior Resource Center at 908-879-2202.
@ Municipal Field Gazebo
155 Main Street, Chester, NJ