february 23, 2022

February 23, 2022
Please see the meeting agenda on our website at www.chesterrecreationnj.org or select the below link to pre-register for this meeting. It will require user to provide name and email address to setup a free account.
Using the Internet select the below link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Using an iPhone one-tap:312.626.6799, 468113180# or 929/436.2866, 468113180#
If you do not have a Smart phone or PC with web camera you can join by telephone.
Using a regular telephone: 312.626.6799 or 929.436.2866 or 253.215.8782 or 301.715.8592 or 669.900.6833
Webinar ID: 876 0706 3535
Password: 384393
Call to Order
The Recreation Committee of the Borough of Chester will hold Regular Meetings by Remote Means commencing monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 6:00 pm at 50 North Road to discuss or act upon public business. These meetings will be open to the public remotely until further notice. Meeting agendas will be posted on the Borough’s website at www.chesterrecreationnj.org. This information has been sent to two newspapers, posted on the Borough’s website, posted at the municipal building and available from Borough hall, 50 North Road, between 8 am and 4 pm Monday through Friday by contacting the Recreation Director, Daniel Hesse by email at recreation@chesterborough.org or 908.879.3660 x2134.
Roll Call
- Lisa Gurzo – present
- Heidi Seebohm – absent
- Kathy MacDougall – absent
- Sharon Holman – present
- David Guarino – present
Salute to Flag
Old Business:
- Flea market idea changing to Chester Day – Has transformed into Chester day. Lisa spoke with the environmental committee with Dan Hesse to reserve the date of May 21st, rain date May 22nd for Chester Day. We propose for Chester Day to be a Chester clean up day with 6 different locations for community service. In the afternoon, residents will come together for a show at Municipal Field in the afternoon.
- Lisa Gurzo is working on bringing constant contact back to the Borough.
- Environmental Committee meeting 2/17 findings: The Environmental Committee is working with Lisa to get the word out for the Blue Bird event on March 19th.
- We are looking for a projector for purchase or rental for movies with Chester Township.
New Business
- Disc Golf – environmental is interested in pursuing with us. The mayor has proposed that the rec committee get an objective survey to gauge community interest in rec projects. We need to know if the community really wants this. Funds will be taken out of rec trust which means less funds for park improvements if we engage in this disc golf project. The committee has decided that these funds by the Lois Barker Bequeathment will be used for Grove Street Park improvements and to stay by on the Disc Golf Project per the Township’s findings.
- David Guarino suggests that the basketball court gets revamped and the playground.
- Lisa requests a board at municipal field to advertise our summer events with a staked board. Lisa is looking into board options.
- Summer Concert series updates
- Thursdays:
- 6/30 Asbury Fever (old-school rock)
- 7/7 Monkeys Shoulder (old-school rock)
- 7/14 New Moon Rising (country)
- 7/21 Alternative Groove (old-school rock)
- 7/28 Good Works Band (Motown-funk)
- —when can we start advertising?
- —list of country songs for the band to cover
- Lois Barker Bequeathment – All American Girls Baseball 1950s
- How will we honor her? – With a plaque at Grove Street Park
- How does the committee want to spend this money? What is the most important thing on the list? – The committee has decided with all 3 present representatives that Grove Street Park Playground is where the money should be focused. We can also honor her at Municipal field with a plaque as well. David is going to research ideas to give back to Lois Barker’s memory.
- December meeting
- presently the December meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 28. That being just a couple days after Christmas I imagine many of us will be on vacation. I propose we change the meeting to either Wednesday, December 14 or Wednesday, December 21.
- The Recreation committee votes to have in person meetings at Grove Street Park. Sharon proposed the vote and Lisa and David second the motion for in person indoors with masks on or outdoors no masks.
Next Meeting March 23 , 2022 at 6pm
Meeting Adjourned

February 23, 2022 AT 6:00PM
Please see the meeting agenda on our website at www.chesterrecreationnj.org or select the below link to pre-register for this meeting. It will require user to provide name and email address to setup a free account.
Using the Internet select the below link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Using an iPhone one-tap:312.626.6799, 468113180# or 929/436.2866, 468113180#
If you do not have a Smart phone or PC with web camera you can join by telephone.
Using a regular telephone: 312.626.6799 or 929.436.2866 or 253.215.8782 or 301.715.8592 or
Webinar ID: 876 0706 3535
Password: 384393
Call to Order
The Recreation Committee of the Borough of Chester will hold Regular Meetings by Remote Means commencing monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 6:00 pm at 50 North Road to discuss or act upon public business. These meetings will be open to the public remotely until further notice. Meeting agendas will be posted on the Borough’s website at www.chesterrecreationnj.org. This information has been sent to two newspapers, posted on the Borough’s website, posted at the municipal building and available from Borough hall, 50 North Road, between 8 am and 4 pm Monday through Friday by contacting the Recreation Director, Daniel Hesse by email at recreation@chesterborough.org or 908.879.3660 x2134.
Roll Call
- Lisa Gurzo
- Heidi Seebohm
- Kathy MacDougall
- Sharon Holman
- David Guarino
Salute to Flag
Old Business:
- Flea market idea changing to Chester Day
- Environmental Committee meeting 2/17 findings
- Movies in the Park
New Business
- Disc Golf – environmental is interested in pursuing with us. Get a survey to gauge community interest. We need to know if the community really wants this. Funds will be taken out of rec trust which means less funds for park improvements if we engage in this disc golf project.
- Summer Concert series updates
- Thursdays:
- 6/30 Asbury Fever (old-school rock)
- 7/7 Monkeys Shoulder (old-school rock)
- 7/14 New Moon Rising (country)
- 7/21 Alternative Groove (old-school rock)
- 7/28 Good Works Band (Motown-funk)
- —when can we start advertising?
- —list of country songs for the band to cover
- Lois Barker Bequeathment – All American Girls Baseball 1950s
- How will we honor her?
- How does the committee want to spend this money? What is the most important thing on the list? Disc golf? Playground? Adult fitness? Basketball court refurbishment? Field house landscaping?
- If we’re not in agreement we should put this to a vote at the March meeting.
- December meeting
- presently the December meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 28. That being just a couple days after Christmas I imagine many of us will be on vacation. I propose we change the meeting to either Wednesday, December 14 or Wednesday, December 21.
- 2022 Budget and calendar, budget meeting February 8th, ideas due by the 4th
Next Meeting March 23, 2022 at 6pm
Meeting Adjourned